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What is the Big O analysis of this algorithm?

I'm working on a data structures course and I'm not sure how to proceed w/ this Big O analysis:

sum = 0; for(i = 1; i < n; i++)      for(j = 1; j < i*i; j++)          if(j % i == 0)              for(k = 0; k < j; k++)                    sum++; 

My initial idea is that this is O(n^3) after reduction, because the innermost loop will only run when j/i has no remainder and the multiplication rule is inapplicable. Is my reasoning correct here?

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user2986376 Avatar asked Mar 19 '15 19:03


People also ask

What is Big O and small O in analysis of algorithms?

Big-Ο is used as a tight upper bound on the growth of an algorithm's effort (this effort is described by the function f(n)), even though, as written, it can also be a loose upper bound. “Little-ο” (ο()) notation is used to describe an upper bound that cannot be tight.

What is its Big O complexity?

Big O notation is used to describe the complexity of an algorithm when measuring its efficiency, which in this case means how well the algorithm scales with the size of the dataset.

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1 Answers

Let's ignore the outer loop for a second here, and let's analyze it in terms of i.

The mid loop runs i^2 times, and is invoking the inner loop whenever j%i == 0, that means you run it on i, 2i, 3i, ...,i^2, and at each time you run until the relevant j, this means that the inner loop summation of running time is:

i + 2i + 3i + ... + (i-1)*i  = i(1 + 2 + ... + i-1) = i* [i*(i-1)/2]  

The last equality comes from sum of arithmetic progression.
The above is in O(i^3).

repeat this to the outer loop which runs from 1 to n and you will get running time of O(n^4), since you actually have:

C*1^3 + C*2^3 + ... + C*(n-1)^3 = C*(1^3 + 2^3 + ... + (n-1)^3) =  = C/4 * (n^4 - 2n^3 + n^2) 

The last equation comes from sum of cubes
And the above is in O(n^4), which is your complexity.

like image 77
amit Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
