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What is the best way to secure a shared git repo for a small distributed team?



We have a Scala project and we decided to use git. The problem is we are a very small distributed team and we want nobody outside of the team to have even the read only access to our git server (which has a valid IP and is world-accessible in the IP level). I have heard the git-daemon has no authentication mechanism by itself and you should somehow integrate it with ssh or something. What is the best (and easiest) way to make the git server respond only to authorized users ? Or perhaps git-daemon is not for this task ? I may add that I am looking for a simple and straightforward approach. I don't want to compete with github ;-)

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Ashkan Kh. Nazary Avatar asked Dec 26 '10 09:12

Ashkan Kh. Nazary

People also ask

How do I give someone access to my git repository?

Under your repository name, click Settings. In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click Collaborators & teams. Click Invite a collaborator. In the search field, start typing the name of person you want to invite, then click a name in the list of matches.

What is git safe and GIT secure?

How secure is Git? At its core, Git is not built for security but for collaboration. As such, it is not secure but can be made secure through the use of tools and best practices. Self-hosting a Git server is a security nightmare.

1 Answers

@KirPiCH: gitosis is unmaintained, and effectively abandoned.

Gitolite is maintained, has a dozen features more than gitosis, and the author actually responds to emails!

[ps: I know this because I am the author ;-)]

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sitaram chamarty Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

sitaram chamarty