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What is the best way to learn Touch Typing? [duplicate]


How do I improve my Typing Skills?.**

I tried the test on http://speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com/. I reach only:

You type 337 characters per minute You
have 58 correct words and you have 1
wrong words

How can I improve my typing speed? What free resources do you know of?

Should I learn the Dvorak Keyboard?

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Martin K. Avatar asked Mar 27 '09 11:03

Martin K.

1 Answers

Practice is the best way to get faster. I've found TypeRacer to be a fun and easily accessible game. Using it I quickly got from around 55 words per minute to over 70.

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Claes Mogren Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Claes Mogren