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What is the best way to find out if 2 dates are in same month in PHP?

I have 2 dates that are unix time stamps and I would have to figure out if the dates are in same month. For example if I have 1393624800 = 02 / 28 / 14 and 1391472000 = 2 / 4 / 2014. I figured I could convert the unix time stamps to format like 28-02-2014 and extract the month, but I feel like its kinda dirty method. What is the best way to do this?

EDIT: Sry I forgot. Also have to make sure its the same year.

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Firze Avatar asked Feb 04 '14 06:02


3 Answers

I would suggest using the DateTime class

$date1 = new DateTime();

$date2 = new DateTime();

if ($date1->format('Y-m') === $date2->format('Y-m')) {
    // year and month match

I would highly suggest to anyone learning PHP to learn the DateTime and related classes. They are much more powerful than the basic date functions.

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Mike Brant Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 20:11

Mike Brant

if (date("F Y", $date1) == date("F Y", $date2))

see http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php

that makes sure they are in the same month and year, otherwise do something like:

if (date("n", $date1) == date("n", $date2))
like image 4
Luke Wenke Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 21:11

Luke Wenke

Probably this:

$first = date("m", $timestamp);
$second = date("m", $timestamp2);

if($first == $second) {
   // they are in same month
else {
   // they aren't
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aksu Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 19:11
