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What is the best way to expose a WCF service so that it can be easily consumed from Java/CXF?


We've written a WCF service to be used by a Java shop, who is using CXF to generate the adapters. We're not that familiar with Java, but have exposed the service using basicHttpBinding, SSL, and basic authentication. Integration tests show that a .NET client can consume the service just fine. However, the Java shop is having trouble consuming the service. Specifically, they getthe following JAXB error: Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class. This is usually caused if 2 operations have the same name and namespace when CXF attempts to create adapter classes.

We can't find any type or operation names that should cause any sort of collision. We have made sure that all custom types specify a namespace, and tempuri.org is not specified anywhere in the WSDL. The Java shop suspects the error is because the generated WSDL contains <xsd:import elements.

So, my questions:

  • Is there any better way than CXF for the Java shop consume the WCF service? Project Tango looks interesting, but I don't know enough to tell them to consider using it. Is CXF a defacto standard in Java?
  • BasicHttpBinding/SSL/Basic Auth are MS recommended for interop scenarios, but the client still seems to have interop problems. Should we consider other bindings or settings to make this easier to consume?
  • Is there a way to configure WCF to always output a single WDSL with no schema imports?