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What is the best way to count the cliques of size k in an undirected graph using networkx in python?

I am surprised that networkx does not seem to have a built in function to do this, but maybe I am missing some clever way to do this using the built-in algorithms?

like image 881
Goldbug Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 15:01


1 Answers

You can use one of these built in functions: enumerate_all_cliques or find_cliques in order to get all k-clique in an un-directed graph.

The difference between these functions is that enumerate_all_cliques goes over all possible cliques and find_cliques goes over only the maximal cliques. We will see in the end it affects the run time.

Option 1 using enumerate_all_cliques:

import networkx as nx

def enumerate_all_cliques_size_k(G, k):
    i = 0
    for clique in nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G):
        if len(clique) == k:
            i += 1
        elif len(clique) > k:
            return i
    return i

Option 2 using find_cliques:

import networkx as nx
import itertools

def find_cliques_size_k(G, k):
    i = 0
    for clique in nx.find_cliques(G):
        if len(clique) == k:
            i += 1
        elif len(clique) > k:
            i += len(list(itertools.combinations(clique, k)))
    return i

The first option is more straight forward but it's run time is problematic since we go over all possible sub-sets of the maximal cliques, even if the maximal clique size is less than k. We can see enumerate_all_cliques_size_k takes 10 times longer to run on a complete graph of size 20:

G = nx.complete_graph(20)

def test_enumerate_all_cliques_size_k(G,k):
    print(enumerate_all_cliques_size_k(G, k))

def test_find_cliques_size_k(G, k):
    print(find_cliques_size_k(G, k))


# --------------------Result-----------------------

test_enumerate_all_cliques_size_k function took 616.645 ms
test_find_cliques_size_k function took 56.967 ms
like image 79
Michal Yanko Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 11:01

Michal Yanko