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What is the best way to copy a database?

When I want to make a copy of a database, I always create a new empty database, and then restore a backup of the existing database into it. However, I'm wondering if this is really the least error-prone, least complicated, and most efficient way to do this?

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Dan Avatar asked Aug 04 '08 21:08


People also ask

How do I copy an entire database?

Expand Databases, right-click the desired database, point to Tasks, and then select Copy Database... If the Welcome to the Copy Database Wizard splash page appears, select Next. Select a Source Server page: Specify the server with the database to move or copy. Select the authentication method.

How do I copy a local database?

Right-click on the database, select the option Tasks and then choose the Copy Database option. After clicking on the Copy Database Wizard then, the following screen will appear. Press the Next button.

2 Answers

It is possible to skip the step of creating the empty database. You can create the new database as part of the restore process.

This is actually the easiest and best way I know of to clone a database. You can eliminate errors by scripting the backup and restore process rather than running it through the SQL Server Management Studio

There are two other options you could explore:

  1. Detach the database, copy the .mdf file and re-attach.
  2. Use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to copy all the objects over

I suggest sticking with backup and restore and automating if necessary.

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Justin Walgran Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Justin Walgran

Here's a dynamic sql script I've used in the past. It can be further modified but it will give you the basics. I prefer scripting it to avoid the mistakes you can make using the Management Studio:

 Declare @OldDB varchar(100) Declare @NewDB varchar(100) Declare @vchBackupPath varchar(255) Declare @query varchar(8000)   /*Test code to implement  Select @OldDB = 'Pubs' Select @NewDB = 'Pubs2' Select @vchBackupPath = '\\dbserver\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\pubs.bak' */  SET NOCOUNT ON;  Select @query = 'Create Database ' + @NewDB exec(@query)  Select @query = ' Declare @vBAKPath varchar(256) declare @oldMDFName varchar(100) declare @oldLDFName varchar(100) declare @newMDFPath varchar(100) declare @newLDFPath varchar(100) declare @restQuery varchar(800)  select @vBAKPath = ''' + @vchBackupPath + ''' select @oldLDFName = name from ' + @OldDB +'.dbo.sysfiles where filename like ''%.ldf%'' select @oldMDFName = name from  ' + @OldDB +'.dbo.sysfiles where filename like ''%.mdf%'' select @newMDFPath = physical_name from ' + @NewDB +'.sys.database_files where type_desc = ''ROWS'' select @newLDFPath = physical_name from ' + @NewDB +'.sys.database_files where type_desc = ''LOG''  select @restQuery = ''RESTORE DATABASE ' + @NewDB +  ' FROM DISK = N'' + '''''''' + @vBAKpath + '''''''' +  '' WITH MOVE N'' + '''''''' + @oldMDFName + '''''''' +   '' TO N'' + '''''''' + @newMDFPath + '''''''' +   '', MOVE N'' + '''''''' + @oldLDFName + '''''''' +   '' TO N'' + '''''''' + @newLDFPath + '''''''' +   '', NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10''  exec(@restQuery) --print @restQuery'   exec(@query)      
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brendan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10
