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What is the best way to add a value to an array in state

I have an array in state, let's say this.state.arr. I want to add something to this state property, and then change some more properties.

Option 1

onChange(event){     this.state.arr.push('newvalue');     ...     this.setState({some:'val',arr:this.state.arr}) } 

Option 2

onChange(event){     var newArr = this.state.arr;     ...     newArr.push('newvalue');     ...     this.setState({some:'val',arr:newArr}) } 

So.. I know this.state is supposed to be treated immutable. But is it ok to use it like in option 1 where I still set the state from it, or do I need to go with something like option 2, and thus always first making a copy in memory

like image 883
Flion Avatar asked Oct 22 '14 10:10


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Use the spread syntax to push an element into a state array in React, e.g. setNames(current => [... current, 'Carl']) . The spread syntax (...) will unpack the existing elements of the state array into a new array where we can add other elements.

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1 Answers

For now, this is the best way.

this.setState(previousState => ({     myArray: [...previousState.myArray, 'new value'] })); 
like image 87
Kutsan Kaplan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Kutsan Kaplan