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What is the best replacement for a gallery in Android? [closed]



I need to implement a gallery of clickable images that can be scrolled horizontally, and the Gallery widget is deprecated. What is the best replacement?

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user1787773 Avatar asked Oct 31 '12 07:10


People also ask

What happened to Android Gallery app?

Please Note: The Gallery mobile applications for Android and iOS will be turned down on August 12, 2021. Gallery.io and the Gallery Sketch plugin will continue to be fully supported. Starting August 12, 2021 you will not be able to use, install, or update the Gallery mobile apps for Android or iOS.

Which app is better photos or gallery?

Mostly, when it comes down to which app you should use, the answer for most people is pretty clear: both. Use the automatic backup in Photos, and maybe the editing if your Gallery doesn't have any, but use Gallery for your on-device photo sorting and searching.

2 Answers

You can use ImageView which will scroll in horizontally on swipe.For the swipe you can use onFling() method where you can handle left and right swipe.Read this post for gesture detection. Good luck

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Akshay Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09


You may want to use a custom horizontal listview (by Paul Soucy from dev-smart.com) https://github.com/vieux/Android-Horizontal-ListView

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julian Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09
