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What is the best practice to show old value when editing a form in Laravel?

I am writing the logic for an edit form and have some complications when displaying data in the inputs.

When I initially show the form, I show the records values like:


Then when the form does not pass the validation I need to show the old input, so that user does not loose what he has already input. So I need to have a way to display old data like:


Because I need to input old data in case it exists, I ended up with this code:

value="{{$dog->title or old('title')}}"

And in controller I check if Request has old input, I assign the $dog var a null value.

I wanted to ask if that is considered an OK practice or is there a better and 'correct' way to do it?

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naneri Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 14:07


People also ask

How does laravel retain old value?

To retain value of a checkbox, we check if the current value of the checkbox exists in the array provided by old method, and if yes we add the checked attribute.

How do I change input value in laravel?

You can use Input::merge() to replace single items. Input::merge(['inputname' => 'new value']); Or use Input::replace() to replace the entire input array. Note: Input:: is just a facade for app('request') .

6 Answers

Function old have default parameter if no old data found in session.

function old($key = null, $default = null)

You can replace expression in template with

value="{{old('title', $dog->title)}}"
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ikurcubic Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10


I know this has already been answered but I thought I would leave a little snippet here for others in the future.

Setting old value on input as @ikurcubic posted can be used the same way on radio button or select:

<input type="text" name="name" value="{{ old('name', $DB->default-value) }}" />

Select option:

<option value="Jeff" {{ old('name', $DB->default-value) == 'Jeff' ? 'selected' : '' }}>Jeff</option>

Radio Button:

<input type="radio"  name="gender" value="M" {{ old('name', $DB->default-value)== "M" ? 'checked' : '' }} />

Another way of doing it; write a small if statement to determine which value should be evaluated:

if(old('name') !== null){
    $option = old('name'); 
else{ $option = $database->value; }

<select name="name">
   <option value="Bob" {{ $option == 'Bob' ? 'selected' : '' }}>Bob</option>
   <option value="Jeff" {{ $option == 'Jeff' ? 'selected' : '' }}>Jeff</option>

<input type="radio"  name="gender" value="M" {{ $option == "M" ? 'checked' : '' }} />

<input type="radio"  name="gender" value="F" {{ $option == "F" ? 'checked' : '' }} />

Setting old value of input with an array name e.g name="name[]":

<input type="text" name="name[]" value="{{ old('name.0) }}" />

This will give you the old value of the input with an index of 0.

I have tested this and it works.

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Jelly Bean Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Jelly Bean

Another way to do that is get the data from the dog class, like this:

value="{{old('title') ?? $dog->title }}"

Why? Because old() is for validation; when you fail validation, the input will remain available in the field. In the case where validation hasn't fired yet, value will be filled with $dog->title.

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Fernando Borba Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 19:10

Fernando Borba

I solved that issue in my application if you want to get old previous inserted value in input you should try this one I did like this.

function SaveData(Request $request)
       $sValidationRules = [
        'firstname' => 'required',
        'lastname' => 'required',
        'email' => 'required',
        'phone' => 'required',

      $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $sValidationRules);

      if ($validator->fails()) // on validator found any error 
        // pass validator object in withErrors method & also withInput it should be null by default
         return redirect('Your Route Hare')->withErrors($validator)->withInput();


      return redirect(' your route hare ');

& after then get old data in input field value like this using {{ Request::old('firstname') }} Happy Coding. :)

<input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname"  value="{{ Request::old('firstname') }}" class="form-control" placeholder="First Name">
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Adeel Ahmed Baloch Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 19:10

Adeel Ahmed Baloch

Old Data: input type text | phone | number | ...

 <input type="text" name="my_text" value="{{old('my_text')}}">

Old Data: input type checkbox | radio

 <input type="checkbox" {{ old('my_checkbox') == 'on' ? 'checked' : '' }} name="my_checkbox">
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Arash Younesi Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Arash Younesi

There is nothing wrong with the way you are doing things as Laravel gives multiple ways to handle the situation you're describing.

What I would suggest is using the Laravel Collective Form and HTML packages to build your form. This package will automatically handle binding old request values to your form if validation fails


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Rob Fonseca Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Rob Fonseca