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What is the best implementation for AOP in .Net? [closed]




There is a lot of AOP implementation in C#, VB.net. this is some of AOP Implementations:

  • PostSharp
  • Castle DynamicProxy
  • LinFu
  • Aspect.NET
  • Enterprise Library 3.0 Policy Injection Application Block
  • AspectDNG
  • DotSpect (.SPECT)
  • The Spring.NET Framework as part of its functionality
  • Wicca and Phx.Morph
  • An exhaustive analysis on AOSD solutions for .NET is available from Twente University
  • Seasar.NET
  • Aspect#
  • Puzzle.NAspect
  • Compose*
  • SetPoint
  • NConcern .NET AOP Framework
  • ...

What is the best implementation for AOP in .Net? What I should use?

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ecleel Avatar asked Mar 11 '09 08:03


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2 Answers

I think that Castle Dynamic Proxy is the solution of choice if dynamic interception can handle your needs. This framework is used internally by a lot of other frameworks that want to offer AOP capabilities. Typically, most of existing IoC containers now provide some dynamic interception mechanisms (Spring.NET, Castle Windsor, StructureMap, etc.) If you already work with an IoC container, maybe it could be easier to look at what it proposes.

If dynamic interception can't address your needs (weaving sealed class, intercepting non-virtual call, etc.), then you certainly want static weaving. PostSharp is the reference in this domain.

Note that it also exists Linfu, that can be used to leverage both AOP fashions.

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Romain Verdier Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Romain Verdier

"Best" is subjective.

First, draw up a list of the features you need, your architecture, etc. Then look for options that do what you need, without introducing unnecessary complexity. For example, several are interface oriented: is your code currently interface oriented? If not, PostSharp might be a better choice (being weaved into the original classes). But of course, PostSharp can't be configured at runtime... horses for courses.

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Marc Gravell