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What is the benefits of using jQuery UI over plugins?

jQuery 1.3.2 minified is 55.9K, and jQuery UI core itself has more than 110K and top of that each component adds more to this core.

I am wondering good reasons to use jQuery UI over plugins.

For example jQuery accordion plugin has only 3.8K, jQuery Tools which does accordion, tooltips, tabs, scrollable, overlay and expose has only 5.8K, jQuery drag and drop plugin has total 4.8K etc etc.

What is the benefits of using UI instead of using these plugins? Is it worth to add more than 110k+ for what you are using for?

If so, why do you use it?

Can you post your reasons why you use jQuery UI and why you don't use it?

like image 956
shin Avatar asked Jun 22 '09 08:06


People also ask

Why would someone use the jQuery UI plugin?

jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice.

What is the difference between jQuery and jQuery UI?

JQuery is basically the base of JQuery UI and is the more powerful between the two. It should be used for more advanced work that requires custom code and interactions. For basic user interface needs, using the JQuery UI is very beneficial as it reduces the complexity of coding and speeds up the entire process.

Do you need jQuery for jQuery UI?

If you want to use jQuery. UI you have to include jQuery. js. jQuery.

Is jQuery UI still used?

“According to Builtwith, of the top 10,000 websites about 88% (or close to 9,000) of them are currently using jQuery as of the beginning of 2019.” jQuery is a well-tested library with a large community of developers who continue to contribute time and effort to modernize and improve the library.

2 Answers

jQuery UI doesn't have to be used as whole 110kb library. You can download only parts that you need, and then it would be a smaller 'custom build'.

I prefer using jUI because it is created by jQuery Team, so if there is a bug it will be for sure patched (custom plugins sometimes are not updated). And I think jQuery team will always create most optimized version, and if someone will do better, they will update their code, like it was with introducing Sizzle in 1.3.

like image 172
Thinker Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09


  • Better support.
  • Better consistency with jQuery in terms of API.
  • Documentation in the same place / same format.
  • No bloat.
  • Compatibility with new jQuery releases maintained.
like image 41
karim79 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
