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What is the benefit to validating email address at registration?

After user registers, I send an email with a guid link to click to validate the registration.

It confirms the email exists, but how does that help fight spammers?

Can't bots 'click' same link back to the site and validate registration just the same?

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zsharp Avatar asked Feb 28 '09 06:02


People also ask

Why is it important to verify an email address?

Real customers start with real emails - and the use of email validation is still the most effective way to ensure the collection of quality data. When you verify email addresses your email marketing is more effective, fraud prevention is improved and the ability to protect your sender reputation increases.

What does it mean to validate email address?

Email Validation is a method of verifying if an email address is valid and deliverable. It also confirms if an email address has a reliable domain such as Gmail or Yahoo.

1 Answers

It verifies:

  • the user has typed their e-mail correctly (since this is the only way you have of contacting them, lets get it right)
  • the e-mail address exists
  • it is owned by the person requesting the page

Indeed - it doesn't prevent bots from accepting e-mails from their own e-mail account, but it stops them accepting e-mails from my account... this in turn keeps you out of the legal quagmire of being accused of spamming some random Jo. Everyone wins.

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Marc Gravell