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What is the being called here: return _() [duplicate]



I have come across this code in MoreLinq, in file Batch.cs (link):

return _(); IEnumerable<TResult> _()

I read up on discards, but nevertheless I cannot make sense of the above code. When I hover above the first _ it says: "Variables captured: resultSelector, collection".

  • What do the two _() represent?
  • Since we are doing a return _();, how can the subsequent code IEnumerable<TResult> _() still be executed?
like image 975
Robotronx Avatar asked Jan 27 '20 07:01


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2 Answers

The _() here is a call to the local function called _. Unusual, but valid.

A local function is broadly like a regular method, except that it can only be called by name (i.e. the usual way you call a method) from inside the method that declares it (as Eric points out in a comment, there are some other ways that it could be called, for example via a delegate passed out from the method), and (unless decorated static) it can pick up locals and parameters from the declaring method as state.

In this case, the intent is to perform eager parameter validation. With validation code in the iterator block, the parameters validation would be deferred until the first MoveNext() call. (i.e. it wouldn't complain about source being null until someone attempts to foreach over the data).

like image 134
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 22:10

Marc Gravell

IEnumerable<TResult> _() {} is local function that called in return _();

like image 27
Kovpaev Alexey Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 21:10

Kovpaev Alexey