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What is the attribute property="og:title" inside meta tag?

I have this extract of website source code:

<meta content="This is a basic text" property="og:title" /> 

What does this property attribute stand for, and what is its purpose?

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luca Avatar asked Jun 30 '11 13:06


People also ask

What is OG title in meta tag?

og: title. This is the title for the content, which works the same as the standard title indicated by the meta tag. On Facebook, the title is shown in bold, and although its length is not limited, experts recommend using a length of 40 characters for the mobile and 60 characters for the desktop version.

What is Property attribute in meta tag?

The meta property comes from the RDFa. So basically meta property comes in use to basically link the elements in the body tag as long as they contain a property tag and basically the body tag is the main parent tag and then we use meta property to link another tag in the body tag.

What is OG title used for?

og:title – The title of your page, content, object etc. as you would like for it to appear when displayed on Facebook. og:site_name – the name of your site. og:description – Perhaps the most important tag.

What is OG Image property?

og:image : This should be a link to an image that you'd like to represent your content. It should be a high resolution image that the social networks will use in their feeds. og:url : This should be the URL of the current page.

1 Answers

og:title is one of the open graph meta tags. og:... properties define objects in a social graph. They are used for example by Facebook.

og:title stands for the title of your object as it should appear within the graph (see here for more http://ogp.me/ )

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Marek Musielak Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 05:10

Marek Musielak