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What is the algorithm to determine the best way to distribute these coupons?



Here is my problem. Imagine I am buying 3 different items, and I have up to 5 coupons. The coupons are interchangeable, but worth different amounts when used on different items.

Here is the matrix which gives the result of spending different numbers of coupons on different items:

coupons:    1         2         3         4         5
item 1      $10 off   $15 off
item 2                $5 off    $15 off   $25 off   $35 off
item 3      $2 off

I have manually worked out the best actions for this example:

  • If I have 1 coupon, item 1 gets it for $10 off
  • If I have 2 coupons, item 1 gets them for $15 off
  • If I have 3 coupons, item 1 gets 2, and item 3 gets 1, for $17 off
  • If I have 4 coupons, then either:
    • Item 1 gets 1 and item 2 gets 3 for a total of $25 off, or
    • Item 2 gets all 4 for $25 off.
  • If I have 5 coupons, then item 2 gets all 5 for $35 off.

However, I need to develop a general algorithm which will handle different matrices and any number of items and coupons.

I suspect I will need to iterate through every possible combination to find the best price for n coupons. Does anyone here have any ideas?

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Blorgbeard Avatar asked Jan 08 '09 21:01


People also ask

What is a coupon distribution?

Perhaps the most popular coupon distribution method for small businesses is the coupon mailer. This is a strategy wherein a group of retail businesses in a community send out a mailing of individual coupons together; consumers within the community thus receive a variety of coupons for area businesses in one envelope.

What is a coupon strategy?

Coupon marketing is a strategy implied by shops or companies that offer discounts to their valuable customers. Through the use of coupon codes, vouchers, and other discounting methods, they enhance the desire of the customers to save money by making purchases.

2 Answers

This seems like a good candidate for dynamic programming:

//int[,] discountTable = new int[NumItems][NumCoupons+1]

// bestDiscount[i][c] means the best discount if you can spend c coupons on items 0..i
int[,] bestDiscount = new int[NumItems][NumCoupons+1];

// the best discount for a set of one item is just use the all of the coupons on it
for (int c=1; c<=MaxNumCoupons; c++)
    bestDiscount[0, c] = discountTable[0, c];

// the best discount for [i, c] is spending x coupons on items 0..i-1, and c-x coupons on item i
for (int i=1; i<NumItems; i++)
    for (int c=1; c<=NumCoupons; c++)
        for (int x=0; x<c; x++)
            bestDiscount[i, c] = Math.Max(bestDiscount[i, c], bestDiscount[i-1, x] + discountTable[i, c-x]);

At the end of this, the best discount will be the highest value of bestDiscount[NumItems][x]. To rebuild the tree, follow the graph backwards:

edit to add algorithm:

//int couponsLeft;

for (int i=NumItems-1; i>=0; i++)
    int bestSpend = 0;
    for (int c=1; c<=couponsLeft; c++)
        if (bestDiscount[i, couponsLeft - c] > bestDiscount[i, couponsLeft - bestSpend])
            bestSpend = c;

    if (i == NumItems - 1)
        Console.WriteLine("Had {0} coupons left over", bestSpend);
        Console.WriteLine("Spent {0} coupons on item {1}", bestSpend, i+1);

    couponsLeft -= bestSpend;
Console.WriteLine("Spent {0} coupons on item 0", couponsLeft);

Storing the graph in your data structure is also a good way, but that was the way I had thought of.

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FryGuy Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10


It's the Knapsack problem, or rather a variation of it. Doing some research on algorithms related to this problem will point you in the best direction.

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Gavin Miller Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10

Gavin Miller