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what is team project in visual studio 2010

I am new to .Net framework and I am finding it difficult to understand all the terms and tools from VS2010. When you want to create new project there is an option for "Team Project".

I tried to find documentation on MSDN Forum and MSDN Magazine but the way that they explain it is way over my head.

Can anyone please explain to me in simpler terms

  • What a Team Project is?
  • and how and when to use it?
like image 844
DoctorAV Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 03:11


People also ask

What is team project in Visual Studio?

Team Explorer connects Visual Studio 2019 and earlier to Team Foundation version control (TFVC) repositories, and to projects hosted on Azure DevOps Services or an on-premises Azure DevOps Server (formerly known as TFS). You can manage source code, work items, and builds. Important.

What is team project TFS?

TFS Team Project Manager automates various tasks across Team Projects in Team Foundation Server. If you find yourself managing multiple Team Projects for an organization and have recurring tasks and questions that repeat themselves over and over again, Team Project Manager probably has some answers for you.

How do I add a team project in TFS 2010?

In the Connect to Team Project dialog box, select the TFS instance you want to connect to, select the team project collection you want to add to, and then click Connect. In the Team Explorer window, right-click the team project collection, and then click New Team Project.

What is Team Explorer in Visual Studio?

Team Explorer connects Visual Studio to projects in Azure DevOps. You can manage source code, work items, and builds. The operations available to you depend on which source control option—Git or Team Foundation version control (TFVC) —was selected to manage source code when the project was created. Tip.

1 Answers

A Team Project is a feature of Team Foundation Server, the Microsoft offering in ALM (Application Lifecycle Management). You don't have to worry about it if you don't use TFS.

TFS provides:

  • Source Control (Version Control)
  • Work Item Tracking (bugs, tasks, requirements)
  • Automated build, test, deploy (and test)
  • Management of QA Lab Environments
  • Reporting on the above
  • A collaboration environment

and much more.

like image 145
John Saunders Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

John Saunders