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What is stale state?

I was reading about the object pool pattern on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_pool) and it mentions "dangerously stale state".

What exactly is "stale" state? I know state is variables/data, such as my fields and properties, but what does it mean by stale or dangerously stale?

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GurdeepS Avatar asked Oct 13 '09 22:10


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1 Answers

Stale state is information in an object that does not reflect reality.

Example: an object's members are filled with information from a database, but the underlying data in the database has changed since the object was filled.

Dangerously stale state is stale state that might adversely affect the operation of a program, i.e. causing it to perform incorrectly due to invalid assumptions about the data's integrity.

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Robert Harvey Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09

Robert Harvey