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What is "src" directory created by Eclipse?

  1. I just installed Eclipse.

  2. The Eclipse created the "workspace" folder.

  3. In this folder I created a "game" sub-folder (for my class called "game"). I have already .java files for that project (I wrote them in a text editor before I started to use Eclipse).

  4. I put all my .java file into the "game" directory.

  5. In Eclipse I created a "New Java Project" from existing code.

What wanders me is that the Eclipse create a "src" sub-folder into my "game" folder. As far as I understand "src" stands for "source". But my source (.java files) is in the "game" (by the construction).

Am I doing something wrong?


I still cannot solve the problem. The whole day I am trying to start programming in Eclipse using existing code. It's incredibly complicated.

  1. Should I "Import Existing Project into Workspace" or should I "Create New Java Project from Existing code".

  2. Should I create "src" folder by hands and put in "workspace"?

  3. Should I create folders for packages or Eclipse will do it by itself?

  4. Should I copy my .java files to the package directory before or after I create a project in Eclipse?

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Roman Avatar asked Apr 14 '10 13:04


People also ask

What is an src directory?

The src directory contains all of the source material for building the project, its site and so on. It contains a subdirectory for each type: main for the main build artifact, test for the unit test code and resources, site and so on. Within artifact producing source directories (ie.

What is src directory in java?

When you create an API project, it is set up as a Java project with separate folders for source and class files. The source folder is named src . It contains the Java code of the application. A few Java classes are also created together with the new project.

Where is the directory in Eclipse?

Locating files, directories, and projects The Properties view can be used to find out where the files, directories, and projects that are in Eclipse, are located on your hard disk. With the Properties view visible, select a file, directory, or project in the Project Explorer or Package Explorer view.

What is bin and src?

src files are your raw, human-readable source code (in this case, .java ). bin files are your compiled code (in this case, .class )

1 Answers

I would recommend keeping your sources separate from the eclipse workspace, and then use the function:

Import existing project into workspace.

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That way you can keep your project under source control, while leaving Eclipse manage its workspace (located elsewhere) on its own.

If you have only sources (anywhere you want), but no Eclipse project, all you need to do create a New Java project, and select your external directory as root directory for your sources.

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selecting "Create project from existing sources"

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
