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What is so bad with threadlocals


Everybody in Django world seems to hate threadlocals(http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/4280, http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/CookBookThreadlocalsAndUser). I read Armin's essay on this(http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2006/7/10/why-i-cant-stand-threadlocal-and-others), but most of it hinges on threadlocals is bad because it is inelegant.

I have a scenario where theadlocals will make things significantly easier. (I have a app where people will have subdomains, so all the models need to have access to the current subdomain, and passing them from requests is not worth it, if the only problem with threadlocals is that they are inelegant, or make for brittle code.)

Also a lot of Java frameworks seem to be using threadlocals a lot, so how is their case different from Python/Django 's?

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agiliq Avatar asked Dec 17 '09 07:12


People also ask

Why not use ThreadLocal?

Since a ThreadLocal is a reference to data within a given Thread , you can end up with classloading leaks when using ThreadLocal s in application servers using thread pools. You need to be very careful about cleaning up any ThreadLocal s you get() or set() by using the ThreadLocal 's remove() method.

Can ThreadLocal cause memory leak?

A ThreadLocal variable is referenced by its thread and its lifecycle is bound to it. In most application servers, threads are reused via thread pools and are never garbage collected. If the application code does not carefully clear the ThreadLocal variable, it results in a nasty memory leak.

What are ThreadLocal and Threadpool?

ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread (e.g., a user ID or transaction ID). The use of ThreadLocal objects requires care in classes whose objects are required to be executed by multiple threads in a thread pool.

What is ThreadLocal in java?

The ThreadLocal class is used to create thread local variables which can only be read and written by the same thread. For example, if two threads are accessing code having reference to same threadLocal variable then each thread will not see any modification to threadLocal variable done by other thread.

2 Answers

I avoid this sort of usage of threadlocals, because it introduces an implicit non-local coupling. I frequently use models in all kinds of non-HTTP-oriented ways (local management commands, data import/export, etc). If I access some threadlocals data in models.py, now I have to find some way to ensure that it is always populated whenever I use my models, and this could get quite ugly.

In my opinion, more explicit code is cleaner and more maintainable. If a model method requires a subdomain in order to operate, that fact should be made obvious by having the method accept that subdomain as a parameter.

If I absolutely could find no way around storing request data in threadlocals, I would at least implement wrapper methods in a separate module that access threadlocals and call the model methods with the needed data. This way the models.py remains self-contained and models can be used without the threadlocals coupling.

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Carl Meyer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Carl Meyer

I don't think there is anything wrong with threadlocals - yes, it is a global variable, but besides that it's a normal tool. We use it just for this purpose (storing subdomain model in the context global to the current request from middleware) and it works perfectly.

So I say, use the right tool for the job, in this case threadlocals make your app much more elegant than passing subdomain model around in all the model methods (not mentioning the fact that it is even not always possible - when you are overriding django manager methods to limit queries by subdomain, you have no way to pass anything extra to get_query_set, for example - so threadlocals is the natural and only answer).

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kibitzer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
