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What is SignalR's browser compatibility?


The most I've found online is in the SignalR FAQ, where it is stated that SignalR does not work in IE6/7. However, for legal reasons I need to present to customers a list of supported browsers. Is there such a list of tested browsers for SignalR?


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David Pfeffer Avatar asked Dec 13 '12 22:12

David Pfeffer

People also ask

Does SignalR work with iOS?

SignalR provides client libraries for . NET, JavaScript, Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows RT and even iOS and Android through Xamarin.

What is the difference between SignalR and web sockets?

WebSockets is actually the underlying transport that SignalR uses, at least most of the time. SignalR has the ability to fall back to other ways of transporting messages, such as long-polling over HTTP. This is useful in situations where you don't have WebSockets support.

Does SignalR support Android?

The SignalR Java Client will run on Android API Level 16 and later.

Does SignalR work on Linux?

Quick Answer = Yes, it is possible.

2 Answers

Looks like Microsoft has published some compatibility data:

SignalR on ASP.NET: Supported Platforms

From the article:

SignalR can be used in a variety of web browsers, but typically, only the latest two versions are supported.

Applications that use SignalR in browsers must use jQuery version 1.6.4 or major later versions (such as 1.7.2, 1.8.2, or 1.9.1).

SignalR can be used in the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 and 10. Modern, Desktop, and Mobile versions are supported.
  • Mozilla Firefox: current version - 1, both Windows and Mac versions.
  • Google Chrome: current version - 1, both Windows and Mac versions.
  • Safari: current version - 1, both Mac and iOS versions.
  • Opera: current version - 1, Windows only.
  • Android browser
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Brian Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10


Here's a list of browsers that support Websockets: http://caniuse.com/websockets note that the only version of Internet Explorer that supported Websockets is version 10.

Failing that SignalR will fall back to one of these other methods which should work on earlier IE's. (It worked on my IE 9 for example):

SignalR uses a fall back to a long polling mechanism to connect the browser to the server. After an initial negotiation request the following transports are tried in order until a successful connection can be made:

WebSockets (if the both the server and browser indicate they can support websockets) Server Sent Events, aka EventSource (if the browser supports Server Sent Events, which is basically all browsers except Internet Explorer) Forever Frame (for Internet Explorer only) Ajax long polling


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Matthew Lock Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10

Matthew Lock