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What is shortcut for uncomment in Visual Studio Code?

People also ask

How do I uncomment a VScode shortcut?

“how to uncomment in visual studio” Code Answershift+alt+A //Toggles comments in VScode.

How do I quick uncomment in Visual Studio?

Shortcut key for uncomment in Visual Studio 2019 Select the piece of code that you would like to uncomment. Then click CTRL + K + U to uncomment.

How do I uncomment a shortcut?

Comment and uncomment blocks of code Press Ctrl+Shift+/ .

How do you comment out multiple lines in VS code?

Windows: Ctrl + K + U. Mac: Command + K + U.

I just updated my VSCode to the version you mentioned. The combinations work exactly as you described. It must be something that was changed on your computer.

Go to File => Preferences => Keyboard Shortcuts

(Or press CTRL + K and then CTRL + S)

look for Remove Line Comment. In my settings it still says

enter image description here

If your VSCode has a different keybinding, change it back to what you want.

I had the same problem. In the newer version its actually CTRL+/ to uncomment.


Note that this is the / on the numeric keypad!

Mac OS you can use COMMAND + / for commenting and uncommenting

In windows Inorder to comment and uncomment the code in VS CODE

  1. CTRL + K ========> to comment the code
  2. CTRL + / ========> to uncomment the code

use ctrl+ / to uncomment in VS Code.

On Windows, I am using strg + #

It's a default shortcut in VSCode --> toggle line comment but it works also for blocks.