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What is prefered method to put footnotes for html table?

Like this; this a screenshot of MS word file.

alt text

  • Should I put in a tfoot or in td as a <p>dwdwdewwe</p> or should I put after </table> in a <p></p>?
  • and can we put tfoot anywhere inside <table>
  • And should I give link to footnotes * to jum to footnotes at bottom.
like image 437
Jitendra Vyas Avatar asked Mar 22 '10 05:03

Jitendra Vyas

1 Answers

Use the tfoot tag. It must appear before the tbody tag. See also: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/tables.html#h-11.2.3

    <thead><tr><td colspan="5">This is the header and should span all columns.</td></tr></thead>
    <tfoot><tr><td colspan="5">This is the footer and should span all columns.</td></tr></tfoot>
like image 102
Michael Dean Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Michael Dean