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What is pip in Python? [duplicate]

I have installed Python 3.4.1 in windows desktop, but i don't have pip. I am trying to install a module from https://www.reportlab.com/reportlabplus/installation/ it shows pip install rlextra -i https://www.reportlab.com/pypi/. And then if I execute the reported command, it shows the following

C:\Python34>pip install rlextra -i https://www.reportlab.com/pypi/ 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 

Edit: This question is not about how to install pip, instead why you need pip ?

like image 370
Malatesh Avatar asked Nov 01 '16 05:11


People also ask

What is pip in Python?

What is PIP? PIP is a package manager for Python packages, or modules if you like. Note: If you have Python version 3.4 or later, PIP is included by default.

What is the use of pip?

pip is the de facto and recommended package-management system written in Python and is used to install and manage software packages. It connects to an online repository of public packages, called the Python Package Index.

How do I fix a pip error?

A “pip: command not found” error occurs when you fail to properly install the package installer for Python (pip) needed to run Python on your computer. To fix it, you will either need to re-install Python and check the box to add Python to your PATH or install pip on your command line.

What is yum and pip?

Python PIP is a package manager for Python, just like Yum is a package manager for CentOS 7 and RHEL 7.

2 Answers

The pip command is a tool for installing and managing Python packages, such as those found in the Python Package Index.

It's a replacement for easy_install.


Using PIP, You can install the module. It will install the dependency also.

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backtrack Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09


Pip is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. You have to download PIP.then you can use pip to install packages. download pip from here: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip

like image 44
Himanshu dua Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Himanshu dua