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What is PHP's session.referer_check protecting me from?

I'm making a system with CakePHP that needs to be decently secure, because we're dealing with money, customer's accounts, etc. So far everything's been working great, until I've had to integrate with a payments platform in which I need to redirect to their site and they redirect back to mine.

This works fine in my dev machine (debug = 2), but in production, when the customer is redirected back, he gets a login prompt instead of landing back in his "logged in area". After much digging I found this is because CakePHP sets session.referer_check, which invalidates sessions if the HTTP_REFERER comes from another host than mine.

Now, normally, i'd disable this without a second thought, but in this system i'm a bit more concerned about security than normal.

My question is what exactly is session.referer_check supposed to protect me from?
What kind of attack/exploit/bad thing can be done to my site if I turn it off?

I'm guessing that there's gotta be some reason why this exists, but I can't imagine what it'd protect me from.

Could you give me any ideas?
Is it safe disabling this?

Thank you

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Daniel Magliola Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 14:02

Daniel Magliola

3 Answers

This is to provide limited protection for Session Fixation and CSRF/XSRF. Checking the referer is a valid method of stopping xsrf. A better method of stopping session fixation is Session.use_only_cookies, because a hacker cannot set a cookie on a victims browser for a domain he doesn't already control.

However, Session.referer_check is easy to bypass. Its just looking for a substring in the referer domain. If the substring is missing all together, which happens if the originating url is https:// then the session id will be invalid. However, becuase its a substring and not a full string then you could bypass this for www.somedomain.com by refering from www.somedomain.com.some_hacker.com. So in short, I think this is completely useless.

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rook Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11


Bear in mind that basically all the referer_check is doing is something like:

$pattern = "/^http:\/\/www\.myurl\.com(\/.*)*$/";

if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {

It is annoying that PHPs built in referer_check won't accept an array of URLs, but you can always make your own one that does.

So for CakePHP, you could do something like the following:

// ADD THIS TO /app/config/config.php
$config['CustomSecurity'] = array(
    'accept_referers' => array(

// ADD THIS TO /app/app_controller.php

private function referer_check(){
   if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
      $accept_referers = Configure::read('CustomSecurity.accept_referers');
      $referer_accepted = false;
      foreach($accept_referers as $referer) {
         $pattern =  '/^'.preg_replace('/(\.|\/)/','\\\$1',$referer).'(\/.*)*$/';
         if(preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) 
            $referer_accepted = true;
      if(!$referer_accepted) {

AND IN YOUR app_controller::before_filter FUNCTION, CALL:


... or something like that anyway ... sorry about the code formatting, the textarea was being a tard :)

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James Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11


Checking the referer in this way can help protect against Cross-site request forgery.

Ideally you'd want a way to have the referer check match either your own domain or the domain of the payment platform, but as it is a simple substring check rather than a pattern match I don't think this would be possible.

If you disabled this you should put other measures in place to protect against such attacks.

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mikej Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
