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What is .net alternative to jhipster




Which framework provides similar features to .Net as jhipster does for Java. I understand that there are separate libraries that can be brought together to work as the solution, but is there something pre-packaged to make things as quick and smooth as jhipster does?

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Asif Shiraz Avatar asked Sep 16 '16 04:09

Asif Shiraz

People also ask

What is spring boot JHipster?

JHipster, or “Java Hipster,” is a handy application generator that will create for you a Spring Boot (that's the Java part) and AngularJS (that's the hipster part) application.

2 Answers

Yes, there is JHipster.NET Blueprint available that is meant to be used in a JHipster application.

For further details regarding basic setup, installation and application creation, please refer here.

And here you can find the JHipster .Net Sample Application Template.

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Bilal Ahmed Yaseen Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

Bilal Ahmed Yaseen

In .NET you can use scaffolding to achieve a similar effect to jHipster, the technique is called scaffolding. You can do it with Visual Studio on Windows using .NET Framework - you create a MVC/Web API app that will create Controllers and Views based on your Model class, check this link here.

You can also use .NET Core on Mac and Linux together with Yeoman to achieve the same thing, more info here.

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Alexandru-Dan Pop Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

Alexandru-Dan Pop