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What is most common and correct practice to get a CGFloat from an NSNumber?

The working code for me is something like:

NSNumber *n = @42.42;
CGFloat cgf = 0; 
CFNumberRef cfn = CFBridgingRetain(n);
CFNumberGetValue(cfn, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &cgf);

There could be also

CGFloat cgf = (CGFLOAT_IS_DOUBLE) ? [n doubleValue] : [n floatValue];

But this smells even uglier for me.

It seems to me there should be better API for doing such a common thing. Are there any?

like image 885
mderk Avatar asked Jan 20 '14 10:01


2 Answers

This will get the correct result in any case:

 NSNumber *n = @42.42;
 CGFloat cgf = [n doubleValue];

because CGFloat is either float or double.

NSNumber does not have a CGFloatValue method. You could define one using the toll-free bridge to CFNumberRef:

@interface NSNumber (MyCGFloatValue)

@implementation NSNumber (MyCGFloatValue)
    CGFloat result;
    CFNumberGetValue((__bridge CFNumberRef)(self), kCFNumberCGFloatType, &result);
    return result;

or using the C11 feature "Generic selection", where the compiler chooses the appropriate code depending on the type of CGFloat:

@implementation NSNumber (MyCGFloatValue)
    CGFloat result;
    result = _Generic(result,
            double: [self doubleValue],
            float: [self floatValue]);
    return result;

And then

NSNumber *n = @42.24;
CGFloat f = [n myCGFloatValue];

but I doubt that it is worth the hassle.

like image 126
Martin R Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Martin R

Just always get the double value. If CGFloat is only a ‘float’ on your machine the double will be instantly truncated, so you don’t care.

like image 43
Wil Shipley Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11

Wil Shipley