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What is meaning of comment 'Go Horse' in coding? Is it some sort of process?

I have read some developers quoting GoHorse value in their comments; mostly in javascript. It is mostly constant and long value.,

I am unable to understand; what it mean to Gohorse?

var a = 8888888888888; // GoHorse
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fatherazrael Avatar asked Apr 29 '16 11:04


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1 Answers

The Go Horse Process is like a horse race:
You line up on the start, then BAM! you're racing down the track, without looking up (or, in fact, any direction), just hurry to finish before the deadline.

It is simple: Does it compile? ==> Task done.

See 1: https://gist.github.com/banaslee/4147370#file-xgh-en-txt
See 2: https://www.facebook.com/gohorseprocess.extremegohorse

Note: This is some kind of joke, of course, a funny name like spaghetti code, for a bad-bad habit.

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Koshinae Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
