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What is JSR and what's its use?




What is the relevance of JSR and how does one optimize it for one's use?

I read something like jsr82 for Bluetooth and some other for other technical apps.

What's its relevance?

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Yatin Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 06:03


People also ask

What is JSR used for?

Java Specification Requests (JSRs) are the actual descriptions of proposed and final specifications for the Java platform. At any one time there are numerous JSRs moving through the review and approval process.

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The Java Community Process(SM) Program - Introduction - Program Overview. The JCP program holds the responsibility for the development of Java technology. As an open, inclusive organization of active members and non-member public input, it primarily guides the development and approval of Java technical specifications.

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1 Answers

JSRs are Java Specification Requests, basically change requests for the Java language, libraries and other components.

It's all part of the Java Community Process, whereby interested parties can put forward their ideas for enhancements and (hopefully) have them taken up and acted upon. The process is detailed here.

For example, the Bluetooth one you mention is tracked here and the definitive list is maintained here.

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paxdiablo Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09
