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what is _interopRequireDefault ?


I have seen an explanation on this website that say :

_interopRequireDefault(): An ES6 CommonJS module is used as is (if it has a default export then it has a property named default). A normal CommonJS module becomes the value of the property default. In other words, in the later case, the module’s exports become the default export.

In codes, there is often several _interopRequireDefault written in.

So if I understand well, since default export is a bunch of key/value on the whole file exported as a total entity, _interopRequireDefault allows to choose which modules will enter in the default export of a specific code that it ?

like image 578
Webwoman Avatar asked Jul 03 '18 16:07


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What is _interoprequiredefault in ES6?

_interopRequireDefault (): An ES6 CommonJS module is used as is (if it has a default export then it has a property named default). A normal CommonJS module becomes the value of the property default. In other words, in the later case, the module’s exports become the default export.

What is _interoprequiredefault in a commonjs module?

A normal CommonJS module becomes the value of the property default. In other words, in the later case, the module’s exports become the default export. In codes, there is often several _interopRequireDefault written in.

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I did a console.log on the _interopRequireDefault method at dist/es5/index.js and it looks like it's an object and not a function. however, it's being used as a function in the following lines. That doesn't was odd. Sorry, something went wrong.

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For Webpack 4, a workaround is to configure resolve.extensions to So webpack will resolve @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault to @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault/index.js. Sorry, something went wrong.

1 Answers

To allow your code to consume modules written for Node.js as well as for ES6.

There is a differences between way modules work export in ES6 and CJS (Common JS specification).

Modules in Common JS :

module.exports = function () {};

Modules in ES6 :

export default function () {}

_interopRequireDefault has a rather simple logic :

function _interopRequireDefault(module) {
      isCJSModule = module && module.__esModule,
      cjsStyedModule = { default: module };

  return isCJSModule ? module: cjsStyedModule;

CJS existed before ES6. Node.js still uses CJS version and all modules written originally for Node.js.

Although Node.js now supports ES6 modules experimentally, if you run with --experimental flag and name module files as .mjs.

Note : Now in 2020, Node.js also supports .js files with ES6 modules if you add a field "type": "module" in package.json. Read more here : https://medium.com/@nodejs/announcing-core-node-js-support-for-ecmascript-modules-c5d6dc29b663

like image 65
Nishant Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
