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What is :<> in reagent hiccup?




I don't understand the tag ":<>" in the following code clojure re-frame todomvc

(defn todo-app
    (when (seq @(subscribe [:todos]))
    [:p "Double-click to edit a todo"]]])

Can anyone help me on this?

like image 982
Jack Liu Shurui Avatar asked Oct 03 '20 07:10

Jack Liu Shurui

2 Answers

That is creating a React Fragment:


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Michiel Borkent Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10

Michiel Borkent

Adding a bit more detail to the previous answer, the fragment gets spliced into a surrounding list instead of creating a child element. In this way, it is similar to the unquoted-splicing operator in Clojure ~@ compared to the regular unquote operator ~. An example:

(defn middle-seq       [] [    :d :e :f])
(defn middle-seq-frag  [] [:<> :d :e :f])

When used to create a Reagent component, we see the difference:

[:a :b :c (middle-seq)      :g :h :i]    ;=> [:a :b :c [:d :e :f] :g :h :i]
[:a :b :c (middle-seq-frag) :g :h :i]    ;=> [:a :b :c  :d :e :f  :g :h :i]

Otherwise, you would have to restructure the input and use concat:

    [:a :b :c]
    [:g :h :i] ))          ;=> [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i]
like image 34
Alan Thompson Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10

Alan Thompson