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What is {{.}} in mustache?



I'm starting to look through some mustache templates and I've come across something that I don't understand/haven't been able to find an explanation for.


Can someone help me understand what the {{.}} is doing?

like image 403
J.Miller Avatar asked Aug 15 '14 01:08


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1 Answers

In Mustache, {{.}} is a special tag referring to the value at the top of the context stack. If you're looping through an array, it is the current element. If you're rendering a section with an object as context, it refers to that object.


So if your data looks like this:

  numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  string: 'Wheee!'

… and you've got a template like this:

{{# numbers }}
 * {{ . }}
{{/ numbers }}

… it will render as this:

 * 1
 * 2
 * 3
 * 4
 * 5

If your template looks like this:

{{# string }}{{ . }}{{/ string }}

… it will render as this:


For more on the context stack, see the Mustache.php wiki:


Edit: I just realized this tag is in the Mustache wiki, under "implicit iterator":


like image 153
bobthecow Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10
