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What is https://i.instagram.com/api/v1

I am digging into Instagram APIs and find out a URL https://i.instagram.com/api/v1 which used by many git repos(some are recently updated) but when I go to Instagram there is no such url available there. Can anyone guide me what is the use of this url and how I can use it because when I hit


by POSTMAN i got below message

{ "message": "Your version of Instagram is out of date. Please upgrade your app to log in to Instagram.", "status": "fail",
"error_type": "needs_upgrade" }

One more thing. I am with my friend who work in android he has done reverse engineering on a app which use for increase followers and that app is also using same endpoints and working on that app.

like image 649
silentcoder Avatar asked Apr 17 '17 13:04


People also ask

What can Instagram API do?

Instagram Graph API The API can be used to get and publish their media, manage and reply to comments on their media, identify media where they have been @mentioned by other Instagram users, find hashtagged media, and get basic metadata and metrics about other Instagram Businesses and Creators.

1 Answers

It's November 2021, and somehow the API https://i.instagram.com/api/v1 still works, but I believe they have changed the way you use it.

NOTE: The given information is just for educational purposes

Let's take the user/{user_id}/info endpoint of this API, which returns basic information about the user_id.

The URL with this endpoint would be


If you paste this link into your browser you'll get the following message

{"message":"useragent mismatch","status":"fail"}

This means that API must be called via mobile user-agent. read more about user-agent here

We can solve this problem by providing a mobile user-agent string.

Using python requests library

!pip install requests
import requests
URL = https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/176702683/info/
headers = {'User-Agent':'Instagram Android (24/7.0; 640dpi; 1440x2560; samsung; SM-G930F; herolte; samsungexynos8890; en_US; 138226743)'} 
# samsung mobile user-agent

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)



{'user': {'username': 'marcelotwelve',
  'pk': 176702683,
  'profile_pic_url': 'https://instagram.fstv6-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-19/s150x150/233796637_544571223333074_8761964745157634211_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fstv6-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_ohc=eGzrZ-M4-38AX_tcXpC&edm=AEF8tYYBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=f9d6b82dc00b16b86eaabe518aea4a3f&oe=618DB9E6&_nc_sid=a9513d'},
 'status': 'ok'}

NOTE: Please be aware of how you use it

like image 60
Aditya Rajgor Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Aditya Rajgor