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what is - gets is a directory - error message




I'm getting this odd error...

/Users/gideon/Documents/ca_ruby/rubytactoe/lib/player.rb:13:in `gets': Is a directory - spec (Errno::EISDIR)


    require_relative '../spec_helper'

# the universe is vast and infinite...it contains a game.... but no players
describe "tic tac toe game" do
  context "the player class" do
    it "must have a human player X"do
      player = Player.new("X")
      STDOUT.should_receive(:puts).with("human move")
      # player.stub(:gets).and_return("")
    it "must have a computer player O" do
      player = Player.new("O")
      STDOUT.should_receive(:puts).with("computer move") #what I expect to get back
      player.stub(:gets).and_return("") #what I am sending
      player.move_computer("O") #the actual call


    # require_relative 'drawgrid'

class Player

  attr_reader :boardpiece # i exist so game can read me

  def initialize(letter)
    @boardpiece = letter

  def move_human(game)
    puts "human move..."
    @move = gets.chomp

  def move_computer(game)
    puts "computer move..."
    # all possible third moves as 'O' (computer)
    @human_winmoves = {
        :wm01 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm02 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>"X", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm03 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm04 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"X", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm05 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>"X", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm06 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm07 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>"X", :c3=>" "},
        :wm08 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"X"},
        #check those corners
        :wm09 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>"X", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm10 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"X", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm11 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>"X", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm12 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>"X", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm13 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>"X", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"X"},
        :wm14 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>"X", :c3=>"X"},
        :wm15 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>"X", :c3=>" "},
        :wm16 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"X", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        #check opposites
        :wm17 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm18 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>"X", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>"X", :c3=>" "},
        :wm19 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"X"},
        :wm20 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm21 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"X", :b2=>" ", :b3=>"X", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm22 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"X"},
        :wm23 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"X"},
        :wm24 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "}

    @ai_winmoves = {
        :wm01 => {:a1=>"O", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"O", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm02 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>"O", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"O", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm03 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"O", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"O", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm04 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"O", :b2=>"O", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm05 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"O", :b3=>"O", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm06 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"O", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"O", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm07 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"O", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>"O", :c3=>" "},
        :wm08 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"O", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"O"},
        #check those corners
        :wm09 => {:a1=>"O", :a2=>"O", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm10 => {:a1=>"O", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"O", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm11 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>"O", :a3=>"O", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm12 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"O", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>"O", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm13 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>"O", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"O"},
        :wm14 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>"O", :c3=>"O"},
        :wm15 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"O", :c2=>"O", :c3=>" "},
        :wm16 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"O", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"O", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        #check opposites
        :wm17 => {:a1=>"O", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"O", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm18 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>"O", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>"O", :c3=>" "},
        :wm19 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"O", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"O"},
        :wm20 => {:a1=>"O", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"O", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm21 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"O", :b2=>" ", :b3=>"O", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
        :wm22 => {:a1=>"O", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"O"},
        :wm23 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"O", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"O"},
        :wm24 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"O", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"O", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "}
    # match current answers located in @thegrid with possible @anskey array, iterate for each item
    # scan board for available move locations
    # select all values where value is O for thegrid and copy those into keys_with_o
    # compare result to ai_winmoves
    # keys_with_o = $thegrid.select{ |k, v| v == "O" }.keys
    # matching_moves = @ai_winmoves.select{ |k, v| v.select{ |k, v| v == "O" }.keys == keys_with_o }
    # puts "matching_moves: "
    # puts matching_moves

    # select all values where value is X for thegrid and copy those into keys_with_x
    keys_with_x = $thegrid.select{ |k, v| v == "X" }.keys
    block_moves = @ai_winmoves.select{ |k, v| v == "X" }.keys

    #DEBUG puts "keys_with_x: "
    #DEBUG puts keys_with_x.to_s

    # human_keys = v.select{ |k, v| v == "X"}.keys
    @intersection = block_moves & keys_with_x

    @thing = [] # initialize thing array

    @human_winmoves.each do |k,v| # for test - go threw each win moves.
      #get common elements between two arrays..recall from above that v contains a hash
      human_keys = v.select{ |k, v| v == "X"}.keys
      @intersection = human_keys & keys_with_x
      if $thegrid[:b2] == " "   #AND center spot is empty
        ai_spot = "b2"
        puts "take center "+ai_spot
        @move = ai_spot.to_sym  #must return this answer as a symbol
        return @move
      elsif @intersection.length >= 2
        #DEBUG puts "where does a intersect b"
        #DEBUG puts @intersection.to_s 
        #DEBUG puts "answer key:"
        #DEBUG puts k
        @thing << k # adds per iteration
        #DEBUG puts "@thing array"
        #DEBUG puts @thing.to_s # for test - find each intersection
        #DEBUG puts "@thing array first key"
        #DEBUG puts @thing.last.to_s
        #DEBUG puts "value"
        #DEBUG puts @anskey[@thing.last]
        #DEBUG puts "symbol?"
        answer = @anskey[@thing.last].to_sym
        #DEBUG puts answer.is_a?(Symbol)
        @move = answer # for test - at last intersection value found...return it as move value 
    end # END @human_winmoves.each do |k,v|
    return @move # had this guy in the wrong place

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

like image 222
thefonso Avatar asked Sep 06 '12 03:09


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How do I get rid of error no such file or directory?

To solve No Such File Or Directory Error in Python, ensure that the file exists in your provided path. To check all the files in the directory, use the os. listdir() method.

What is Isadirectory error?

The Python "IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory" occurs when we try to interact with a directory as if it were a file. To solve the error, provide the complete path to the file if trying to work on a file or select all of the files in the directory and use a for loop.

Is a directory read?

For directories, "read" governs whether someone can list the contents of the directory, and "execute" governs whether the person can "use" the directory to access the files within it. If a directory is read only, then a person can list the names of the files within it but cannot access them.

2 Answers

When you call gets.chomp you're actually referring to Kernel#gets, which expects a file to read from. If you are passing command line arguments, they'll be interpreted as these input files Kernel#gets expects. If one of the args is a directory path, then you'll get the error you mentioned.

You want to use IO#gets instead. This will work as expected:

def move_human(game)
  puts "human move..."
  @move = $stdin.gets.chomp
like image 54
andersonvom Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 06:11


You are probably giving a directory name as command line argument.

Kernel#gets reads from files given as command line arguments. You are probably giving a directory name instead of a file name at the command line.

If there's no argument at the command line, it reads from STDIN.

like image 41
Abinoam Jr. Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 07:11

Abinoam Jr.