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What is equivalent of mysql_insert_id(); using prepared statement?





I have used prepared statement to insert an order into an orders table but now I want to insert the order items into the order items table based on the last ID inserted in the orders table:

if (isset($_POST['process'])) {

    $order_name = $_POST['order_name'];
    //create initial order
    $stmt = $conn2->prepare("INSERT INTO orders (order_name) VALUES (?)");
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $order_name);

    //this gets the most recent auto incremented ID from the database - this is the order_id we have just created
    $order_id = mysql_insert_id();

    //loop over all of our order items and add to the database
    foreach ($_SESSION['order'] as $item) {

What is equivalent to mysql_insert_id(); using prepared statement?

like image 303
user1227124 Avatar asked Mar 17 '12 21:03


2 Answers

If you're using PDO, it's PDO::lastInsertId(). So if your database handle is called $link:

$order_id = $link->lastInsertId();

If you're using MySQLi, it's mysqli::$insert_id or mysqli_insert_id():

$order_id = $link->insert_id;
like image 69
Ry- Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 23:10


You can try $stmt->insert_id to get inserted id

like image 31
safarov Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 22:10
