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What is ".el" in relationship to JavaScript/HTML/jQuery?


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How can I use jQuery and JavaScript together in HTML?

jQuery code is implemented as part of JavaScript scripts. To add jQuery and JavaScript to your web pages, first add a <script> tag that loads the jQuery library, and then add your own <script> tags with your custom code.

Can you use jQuery and JavaScript together?

jQuery is a JavaScript library, so it operates on top of JavaScript. It cannot exist on its own, so you can't use one over the other. You can use just JavaScript or JavaScript and jQuery. jQuery was introduced to make development with JavaScript easier.

What is El element?

It is the name that the Laconic plugin uses when added to jQuery. It's used to create elements. For example, $. el.

I couldn't find much from Googling, but I'm probably Googling the wrong terms.

I'm trying to understand what the "el" in "$.el" is from here: http://joestelmach.github.com/laconic/

    $.el.th('first name'),
    $.el.th('last name')),

Thanks in advance!