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What is difference between XHTML and HTML? [closed]




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How XHTML is better than HTML?

XHTML was developed to make HTML more extensible and flexible to work with other data formats (such as XML). In addition, browsers ignore errors in HTML pages, and try to display the website even if it has some errors in the markup. So XHTML comes with a much stricter error handling.

What is the main difference between HTML and XHTML Upwork?

HTML is SGML-based while XHTML is XML-based. They are like two sides of the same coin. XHTML was derived from HTML to conform to XML standards. Hence XHTML is strict when compared to HTML and does not allow user to get away with lapses in coding and structure.

Which is not a difference between HTML and XHTML?

Which of the following is not a difference between HTML and XHTML? Explanation: HTML is case insensitive while XHTML is case sensitive. In XHTML, special characters can be escaped using character entites but not in HTML. Charset in HTML is “text/html” where as it is “application/xml+xhtml” for XHTML.

How XHTML is different from HTML list the rules followed in XHTML?

XHTML can be thought of as an extension of HTML. HTML is made of elements (with 3 components – pair of element tags, element attributes and content) while XHTML has only one root element. Secondly, XHTML is a lot stricter when it comes to the file's structure and coding.

XHTML is not so much different from HTML 4.01 standard. The major differences are:

  • XHTML elements must be properly nested.
  • XHTML elements must always be closed.
  • XHTML elements must be in lowercase.
  • XHTML documents must have one root element.

Basically, XHTML is HTML (all the html tags are found in XHTML) that follows the rules of XML (because it is a family of XML).

More references can be found on:

  • W3Schools.
  • Wikipedia.
  • Sitepoint.com.

XHTML is an application of XML, which is quite a strict angle-bracket language.

HTML is an application of SGML, which is a much less strict angle-bracket language.

(XML is also an application of SGML.)

At one time, people hoped that the solution to the mess of the late 90s web markup was to persuade everyone to write XHTML rather than HTML, perhaps in the hope that the enforced discipline would transform all those polo-necked frameless-spectacle wearing graphic designers into computer programmers. Alas, there was not actually much demonstrable benefit to all this exhausting prostration at the altar of the XHTML validator, so XHTML is now out of fashion and HTML is back in.

XHTML will be treated an application of XML only in case where MIME type application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, or text/xml are used. An XHTML document served with a MIME type of text/html must be parsed and interpreted as HTML, so the HTML rules apply in this case.

Check this link for more on difference between XHTML and HTML