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What is difference between vault write and vault kv put?

I'm currently learning about vault. I know what is a secret engine etc and how it works. But I have not found any information about difference between vault write and vault kv put. In my opinion these commands do the same things. Am I wrong?

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k0chan Avatar asked Jul 05 '18 11:07


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What is vault KV?

The kv secrets engine is a generic Key-Value store used to store arbitrary secrets within the configured physical storage for Vault.

How do I check my vault KV version?

Overview. Newer versions of Vault allow you directly determine the version of a KV Secrets Engine mount by querying `/sys/mounts/:path/tune`, then extracting the "options" and "version" key from the data.

What are the few main components of vault?

Its main components are: A persistence backend – storage for all secrets. An API server which handles client requests and performs operations on secrets. A number of secret engines, one for each type of supported secret type.

What is vault secret engine?

Secrets engines are Vault components which store, generate or encrypt secrets. In Your First Secrets tutorial, you used key/value v2 secrets engine to store data. Some secrets engines like the key/value secrets engine simply store and read data.

1 Answers

Basically, write was used in previous versions of the k/v secret engine.

According to the Vault documentaion, it's better to use put. Write may still be avaible and the only difference might be that in k/v version 2 instead of appending secrets it overrides them.

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gic186 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
