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What is difference between "?" and "!" in Swift?


I know what "?" and "!" mean when I declare variables in Swift. But what do they mean when using these variables? For example, in this code:

var attachment: NSTextAttachment = NSTextAttachment() attachment.image = UIImage(named: "placeholder.png") attachment.image!.size ... // or attachment.image?.size ... 

What's the difference between attachment.image!.size and attachment.image?.size?

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Aryan Avatar asked Sep 17 '14 15:09


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1 Answers

Use attachment.image!.size if you're guaranteed that image? isn't nil. If you're wrong (and it is nil) your app will crash. This is called forced unwrapping.

If you're not sure it won't be nil, use image?.

In your case image! is OK, since you control whether placeholder.png exists.

Read all of the documentation on Swift Optionals. It's a basic and fundamental part of the language.

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Aaron Brager Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10

Aaron Brager