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What is "DataBindingComponent" class in android databinding?


I have seen the DataBindingComponent in the official API doc.


This interface is generated during compilation to contain getters for all used instance BindingAdapters. When a BindingAdapter is an instance method, an instance of the class implementing the method must be instantiated. This interface will be generated with a getter for each class with the name get* where * is simple class name of the declaring BindingAdapter class/interface. Name collisions will be resolved by adding a numeric suffix to the getter.

An instance of this class may also be passed into static or instance BindingAdapters as the first parameter.

If using Dagger 2, the developer should extend this interface and annotate the extended interface as a Component.

However, I cannot find any example usage of this class in the web. Can anyone know what it is and how to use it.

I tried to make some simple code and debug it to see what's is it but it showed null variable on the a variable.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);     ActivityMainBinding binding= DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this,R.layout.activity_main);     android.databinding.DataBindingComponent a = DataBindingUtil.getDefaultComponent();     setContentView(binding.getRoot()); } 
like image 967
Long Ranger Avatar asked Sep 02 '16 03:09

Long Ranger

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1 Answers

After reading the answer from @tynn , the DataBindingComponent class can also be as "object" scope of data binding method. Instead of setting all the method in static way, the following example can be used to be extendable and custom. For example, we setup 3 binding methods for ImageView, TextView and View type. You can setup the interface first ( like Retrofit 2 setup interface for API)

1. Setup 3 interface first


public interface ImageViewBindingInterface {     @BindingAdapter({"bind:imageUrl", "bind:error"})     public  void loadImage(ImageView view, String url, Drawable error); } 


public interface TextViewBindingInterface {     @BindingAdapter({"bind:font"})       void setFont(TextView textView, String fontName); } 


public interface ViewBindingInterface {     @BindingAdapter("android:paddingLeft")     public  void setPaddingLeft(View view, int padding);     @BindingAdapter("android:onViewAttachedToWindow")     public  void setListener(View view, ViewBindingAdapter.OnViewAttachedToWindow attached); } 

2. The DataBindingComponent.java should be updated automatically as @tynn mentioned like the following.

If you have a look at the default DataBindingComponent class in Android Studio you find it located in build/generated/source/apt/dev.

public interface DataBindingComponent {     example.com.testerapplication.binding.ViewBindingInterface getViewBindingInterface();     example.com.testerapplication.binding.TextViewBindingInterface getTextViewBindingInterface();     example.com.testerapplication.binding.ImageViewBindingInterface getImageViewBindingInterface(); } 

3. Build your own implementation method for binding.


public class BaseImageViewBinding implements ImageViewBindingInterface{     @Override     public void loadImage(ImageView view, String url, Drawable error) {           Picasso.with(view.getContext()).load(url).error(error).into(view);     } } 


public class BaseTextViewBinding implements TextViewBindingInterface {     @Override     public void setFont(TextView textView, String fontName) {         textView.setTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(textView.getContext().getAssets(), "fonts/" + fontName));     } } 


public class BaseViewBinding implements ViewBindingInterface {     @Override     public void setPaddingLeft(View view, int padding) {         view.setPadding(padding,                 view.getPaddingTop(),                 view.getPaddingRight(),                 view.getPaddingBottom());     }     @Override     public void setListener(View view, ViewBindingAdapter.OnViewAttachedToWindow attached) {      } } 

4. Set your OwnDatabindingComponent

public class MyOwnDefaultDataBindingComponent implements android.databinding.DataBindingComponent {     @Override     public ViewBindingInterface getViewBindingInterface() {         return new BaseViewBinding();     }     @Override     public TextViewBindingInterface getTextViewBindingInterface() {         return new BaseTextViewBinding();     }     @Override     public ImageViewBindingInterface getImageViewBindingInterface() {         return new BaseImageViewBinding();     } } 

5. Setup your default DataBindingComponent in the Application

public class MyApplication extends Application {     public void onCreate() {         super.onCreate();         DataBindingUtil.setDefaultComponent(new MyOwnDefaultDataBindingComponent());     } } 

Using this method should be fine to make the custom data binding in a custom way and can be extensible.

like image 151
Long Ranger Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Long Ranger