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What is data-gr-c-s-loaded=“true” attribute added to my code




I have a simple HTML code and I came across this in the body tag. I do not know from where this came ?

<body data-gr-c-s-loaded attribute="true">...</body>
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mercury Avatar asked Dec 12 '20 19:12


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Definition and Usage The data-* attribute is used to store custom data private to the page or application. The data-* attribute gives us the ability to embed custom data attributes on all HTML elements.

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1 Answers

Do you use Grammarly? Grammarly adds this tag automatically.

It looks like it is the Grammarly 79 extension that adds that data attribute 34. Likely use for some internal check (like to verify it has loaded into the page).

See https://forum.freecodecamp.org/t/what-is-data-gr-c-s-loaded-true-attribute/373769

You can also check with if (document.body.dataset.newGrCSLoaded), which is the newest data attr for Grammarly if the user has Grammarly installed.

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Nikas music and gaming Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

Nikas music and gaming