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What is Dart's equivalent to Kotlin's let?

Recently I've been delving into Flutter's ecosystem and Dart has proven itself a neat and simple language.

Currently, I am looking for a best practice to run methods if an optional variable is not null.

In other words, I am looking for something in Dart that is like Kotlin's let operator :

variable?.let {

Anyone got any ideas or best practices around this?

I've looked into Dart's documentation and have found nothing that would fit my requirements.

King regards,

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Ricardo Vieira Avatar asked Sep 03 '18 10:09

Ricardo Vieira

3 Answers

With the new Dart extension functions, we can define:

extension ObjectExt<T> on T {
  R let<R>(R Function(T that) op) => op(this);

This will allow to write x.let(f) instead of f(x).

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user3612643 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 14:10


Dart's equivalent would be a null-aware cascade operator: The Dart approach would be a to use a null-aware cascade:

SomeType? variable = ...


The null-aware cascade works like the normal cascade, except that if the receiver value is null, it does nothing.

You could make your own using a static function though:

typedef T LetCallback<T>(T value);

T let<T>(T value, LetCallback<T> cb) {
  if (value != null) {
    return cb(value);

Then used like that:

let<MyClass>(foo, (it) {

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Rémi Rousselet Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10

Rémi Rousselet

We can do it with Dart 2.6 or later.

extension ScopeFunctionsForObject<T extends Object> on T {
  ReturnType let<ReturnType>(ReturnType operation_for(T self)) {
    return operation_for(this);

usage: https://github.com/YusukeIwaki/dart-kotlin_flavor#let

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YusukeIwaki Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10
