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What is "DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist. (Microsoft SQL Server, 36004)"?

I'm trying to upgrade a remote SQL Server 2012 database using a dacpac, but I'm getting the following message: DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist. (Microsoft SQL Server, 36004). I tried to search on the internet but couldn't find anything. Any ideas?

enter image description here

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Vinicius Rocha Avatar asked Oct 05 '13 21:10

Vinicius Rocha

1 Answers

I just encountered this problem myself. I hunted through the User Mapping for my login, adding db_owner, db_securityadmin role memberships for all relevant databases. No help.

Specifically, it was necessary to add the "sysadmin" server role to the user. After doing this, my dacpacs were able to deploy successfully.

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Troy Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 05:11
