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What is cool about generics, why use them?





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What is the most important benefit of generics?

One of the big advantages of generics is performance. Using value types with non – generic collection classes results in boxing and unboxing when the value type is converted to a reference type and vice versa. Type Safety : Another feature of generics is type safety.

What is the benefit of generics quizlet?

Generics enable you to detect errors at compile time rather than at runtime. Allows you to specify allowable types of objects that the class or method can work with. If you attempt to use an incompatible object the compiler will detect that error. Makes your program more reliable.

What are generics and where do we apply it?

Generics means parameterized types. The idea is to allow type (Integer, String, … etc., and user-defined types) to be a parameter to methods, classes, and interfaces. Using Generics, it is possible to create classes that work with different data types.

What is the point of generic services?

Generic service means a service that is available to any member of the population and is not specific to meeting specialized needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities.

  • Allows you to write code/use library methods which are type-safe, i.e. a List<string> is guaranteed to be a list of strings.
  • As a result of generics being used the compiler can perform compile-time checks on code for type safety, i.e. are you trying to put an int into that list of strings? Using an ArrayList would cause that to be a less transparent runtime error.
  • Faster than using objects as it either avoids boxing/unboxing (where .net has to convert value types to reference types or vice-versa) or casting from objects to the required reference type.
  • Allows you to write code which is applicable to many types with the same underlying behaviour, i.e. a Dictionary<string, int> uses the same underlying code as a Dictionary<DateTime, double>; using generics, the framework team only had to write one piece of code to achieve both results with the aforementioned advantages too.

I really hate to repeat myself. I hate typing the same thing more often than I have to. I don't like restating things multiple times with slight differences.

Instead of creating:

class MyObjectList  {
   MyObject get(int index) {...}
class MyOtherObjectList  {
   MyOtherObject get(int index) {...}
class AnotherObjectList  {
   AnotherObject get(int index) {...}

I can build one reusable class... (in the case where you don't want to use the raw collection for some reason)

class MyList<T> {
   T get(int index) { ... }

I'm now 3x more efficient and I only have to maintain one copy. Why WOULDN'T you want to maintain less code?

This is also true for non-collection classes such as a Callable<T> or a Reference<T> that has to interact with other classes. Do you really want to extend Callable<T> and Future<T> and every other associated class to create type-safe versions?

I don't.

Not needing to typecast is one of the biggest advantages of Java generics, as it will perform type checking at compile-time. This will reduce the possibility of ClassCastExceptions which can be thrown at runtime, and can lead to more robust code.

But I suspect that you're fully aware of that.

Every time I look at Generics it gives me a headache. I find the best part of Java to be it's simplicity and minimal syntax and generics are not simple and add a significant amount of new syntax.

At first, I didn't see the benefit of generics either. I started learning Java from the 1.4 syntax (even though Java 5 was out at the time) and when I encountered generics, I felt that it was more code to write, and I really didn't understand the benefits.

Modern IDEs make writing code with generics easier.

Most modern, decent IDEs are smart enough to assist with writing code with generics, especially with code completion.

Here's an example of making an Map<String, Integer> with a HashMap. The code I would have to type in is:

Map<String, Integer> m = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

And indeed, that's a lot to type just to make a new HashMap. However, in reality, I only had to type this much before Eclipse knew what I needed:

Map<String, Integer> m = new Ha Ctrl+Space

True, I did need to select HashMap from a list of candidates, but basically the IDE knew what to add, including the generic types. With the right tools, using generics isn't too bad.

In addition, since the types are known, when retrieving elements from the generic collection, the IDE will act as if that object is already an object of its declared type -- there is no need to casting for the IDE to know what the object's type is.

A key advantage of generics comes from the way it plays well with new Java 5 features. Here's an example of tossing integers in to a Set and calculating its total:

Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();

int total = 0;
for (int i : set) {
  total += i;

In that piece of code, there are three new Java 5 features present:

  • Generics
  • Autoboxing and unboxing
  • For-each loop

First, generics and autoboxing of primitives allow the following lines:


The integer 10 is autoboxed into an Integer with the value of 10. (And same for 42). Then that Integer is tossed into the Set which is known to hold Integers. Trying to throw in a String would cause a compile error.

Next, for for-each loop takes all three of those:

for (int i : set) {
  total += i;

First, the Set containing Integers are used in a for-each loop. Each element is declared to be an int and that is allowed as the Integer is unboxed back to the primitive int. And the fact that this unboxing occurs is known because generics was used to specify that there were Integers held in the Set.

Generics can be the glue that brings together the new features introduced in Java 5, and it just makes coding simpler and safer. And most of the time IDEs are smart enough to help you with good suggestions, so generally, it won't a whole lot more typing.

And frankly, as can be seen from the Set example, I feel that utilizing Java 5 features can make the code more concise and robust.

Edit - An example without generics

The following is an illustration of the above Set example without the use of generics. It is possible, but isn't exactly pleasant:

Set set = new HashSet();

int total = 0;
for (Object o : set) {
  total += (Integer)o;

(Note: The above code will generate unchecked conversion warning at compile-time.)

When using non-generics collections, the types that are entered into the collection is objects of type Object. Therefore, in this example, a Object is what is being added into the set.


In the above lines, autoboxing is in play -- the primitive int value 10 and 42 are being autoboxed into Integer objects, which are being added to the Set. However, keep in mind, the Integer objects are being handled as Objects, as there are no type information to help the compiler know what type the Set should expect.

for (Object o : set) {

This is the part that is crucial. The reason the for-each loop works is because the Set implements the Iterable interface, which returns an Iterator with type information, if present. (Iterator<T>, that is.)

However, since there is no type information, the Set will return an Iterator which will return the values in the Set as Objects, and that is why the element being retrieved in the for-each loop must be of type Object.

Now that the Object is retrieved from the Set, it needs to be cast to an Integer manually to perform the addition:

  total += (Integer)o;

Here, a typecast is performed from an Object to an Integer. In this case, we know this will always work, but manual typecasting always makes me feel it is fragile code that could be damaged if a minor change is made else where. (I feel that every typecast is a ClassCastException waiting to happen, but I digress...)

The Integer is now unboxed into an int and allowed to perform the addition into the int variable total.

I hope I could illustrate that the new features of Java 5 is possible to use with non-generic code, but it just isn't as clean and straight-forward as writing code with generics. And, in my opinion, to take full advantage of the new features in Java 5, one should be looking into generics, if at the very least, allows for compile-time checks to prevent invalid typecasts to throw exceptions at runtime.

If you were to search the Java bug database just before 1.5 was released, you'd find seven times more bugs with NullPointerException than ClassCastException. So it doesn't seem that it is a great feature to find bugs, or at least bugs that persist after a little smoke testing.

For me the huge advantage of generics is that they document in code important type information. If I didn't want that type information documented in code, then I'd use a dynamically typed language, or at least a language with more implicit type inference.

Keeping an object's collections to itself isn't a bad style (but then the common style is to effectively ignore encapsulation). It rather depends upon what you are doing. Passing collections to "algorithms" is slightly easier to check (at or before compile-time) with generics.

Generics in Java facilitate parametric polymorphism. By means of type parameters, you can pass arguments to types. Just as a method like String foo(String s) models some behaviour, not just for a particular string, but for any string s, so a type like List<T> models some behaviour, not just for a specific type, but for any type. List<T> says that for any type T, there's a type of List whose elements are Ts. So List is a actually a type constructor. It takes a type as an argument and constructs another type as a result.

Here are a couple of examples of generic types I use every day. First, a very useful generic interface:

public interface F<A, B> {
  public B f(A a);

This interface says that for some two types, A and B, there's a function (called f) that takes an A and returns a B. When you implement this interface, A and B can be any types you want, as long as you provide a function f that takes the former and returns the latter. Here's an example implementation of the interface:

F<Integer, String> intToString = new F<Integer, String>() {
  public String f(int i) {
    return String.valueOf(i);

Before generics, polymorphism was achieved by subclassing using the extends keyword. With generics, we can actually do away with subclassing and use parametric polymorphism instead. For example, consider a parameterised (generic) class used to calculate hash codes for any type. Instead of overriding Object.hashCode(), we would use a generic class like this:

public final class Hash<A> {
  private final F<A, Integer> hashFunction;

  public Hash(final F<A, Integer> f) {
    this.hashFunction = f;

  public int hash(A a) {
    return hashFunction.f(a);

This is much more flexible than using inheritance, because we can stay with the theme of using composition and parametric polymorphism without locking down brittle hierarchies.

Java's generics are not perfect though. You can abstract over types, but you can't abstract over type constructors, for example. That is, you can say "for any type T", but you can't say "for any type T that takes a type parameter A".

I wrote an article about these limits of Java generics, here.

One huge win with generics is that they let you avoid subclassing. Subclassing tends to result in brittle class hierarchies that are awkward to extend, and classes that are difficult to understand individually without looking at the entire hierarchy.

Wereas before generics you might have classes like Widget extended by FooWidget, BarWidget, and BazWidget, with generics you can have a single generic class Widget<A> that takes a Foo, Bar or Baz in its constructor to give you Widget<Foo>, Widget<Bar>, and Widget<Baz>.