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What is CFArray and difference between CFArray vs NSArray

this might be a duplicate question but i have go through the so many blogs and documents , but still i can't figure out what is CFArray.

As performance wise which one is best and when to use and which situation. Please throw a light in this topic.

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user1374 Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 22:12


2 Answers

A CFArray is an NSArray and vice-versa.

Core Foundation (where the CF comes from in the name) is Apple's C-oriented collection of functions and data types. Cocoa (the NS comes from NextStep, Cocoa's ancestor) is Apple's Objective-C framework.

Certain types in the two two frameworks are toll-free bridged - that means the data structure is shared between the two frameworks, Core Foundation operates on it using C-style function calls, Cocoa operates on it using Objective-C style method calls.

Sometimes one framework might provide operations the other does not, but in general you use Cocoa from Objective-C and Core Foundation from C when considering a toll-free bridge type.

Cocoa objects are automatically managed by ARC, a big advantage. In Core Foundation you use manual memory management. Objective-C has a number of "bridge" casts which inform the compiler when you are transferring responsibility for memory management between ARC and manual Core Foundation calls.

Given they are the same data-structure any performance difference is down to the such things as an extra call-level overhead if a Cocoa method just calls a Core Foundation one, etc. In general you should not be concerned about this unless you've identified a performance issue.


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CRD Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 00:12


CFMutableArrayRef array = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, arraySize, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
for (int i=0;i<arraySize;i++) {
    CFStringRef string = CFBridgingRetain(@"This is an awesome string"); // CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, "This is an awesome string", kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    CFArrayAppendValue(array, string);

CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(array);
for (int i=0;i<count;i++) {
    CFStringRef string = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, i);

let’s go over the CFArray code. In the CoreFoundation version, we first create a mutable CFArray (CFMutableArray) via the CFArrayCreateMutable() function call, providing the allocator, array size and the callback function. We then setup a very conventional-looking for loop, iterating over the array the number of time indicated by arraySize (this number will change in our tests). A string is then created and appended to the array and released. You might notice that we actually create and Objective-C string literal and transfer the ownership over to CoreFoundation via CFBridgingRetain(). This means that ARC will no longer take care of releasing the string for us and we must do so explicitly with CFRelease(). An alternative to this is to use create a string with a CoreFoundation call to CFStringCreateWithCString() (which is commented out), but this method is much slower and we are interested in comparing the array performance, not string allocation performance. The second portion of the code will get the array count, setup another loop and get the value at index with every iteration. We don’t actually do anything with the string.

NSMutableArray *container = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:arraySize];
for (int i=0;i<arraySize;i++) {
    NSString *string = @"This is an awesome string";
    [container addObject:string];

NSUInteger count = [container count];
for (int i=0;i<count;i++) { // (NSString *string in container) {
    NSString *string = container[i];

The Objective-C Foundation counterpart is very similar in nature but removes the need for CFRelease() as we are under ARC. Most of this code is pretty self-explanatory so we won’t go through it in detail. One thing to point out, however, is that with Foundation you have the option of using Fast Enumeration, which will actually give you some performance gains, as we’ll see later on. This is commented out beside the conventional for loop.

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Abhinandan Pratap Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 00:12

Abhinandan Pratap