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What is boot.img file in android?

I am building the android source code and getting new system.img . I try to flash the new system.img on a device and I see that I need another file called boot.img. What is this file ? what is used for ? how can I get it for my device ?

like image 857
Foad Rezek Avatar asked Jan 16 '14 21:01

Foad Rezek

People also ask

What is a boot image file?

A boot image is a type of disk image (a computer file containing the complete contents and structure of a storage medium). When it is transferred onto a boot device it allows the associated hardware to boot.

Is boot IMG same as bootloader?

No. The bootloader is what loads the Android filesystem in the boot. img.

How do I get device boot IMG?

If your device is rooted with one click root apps then download kernel auditor app and select backup option and the boot. img will be available in android/data/ kernel auditor specific folder....

1 Answers

boot.img contains the kernel and ramdisk, critical files necessary to load the device before the filesystem can be mounted. You have to generate the boot.img yourself using mkbootimg, a tool provided by AOSP.

All the details you need are available at this xda-developers thread.

This google discussion thread may also be useful

like image 79
rcbevans Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
