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What is application footprint and how to calculate it?

What does term "application footprint" means for application developed in C/C++. And how we can calculate C/C++ application footprint.

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Saqlain Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 11:04


People also ask

What is a software footprint?

In information technology, a footprint is the amount of space a particular unit of hardware or software occupies. Marketing brochures frequently state that a new hardware control unit or desktop display has a "smaller footprint," meaning that it occupies less space in the closet or on your desk.

What is memory footprint for application?

Memory footprint refers to the amount of main memory that a program uses or references while running. The word footprint generally refers to the extent of physical dimensions that an object occupies, giving a sense of its size.

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Network footprint, on the other hand, refers to the extent of control information that a network-based application references, again, excluding any data that it may require to transmit (download or upload) to carry its activities.

1 Answers

It is the size in code, data and heap that the application needs. In linux, you can check the size of the "text" (code), "data" and "bss" with size a.out (replace a.out with whatever your application is called). There are similar tools for Windows.

As to the heap needs, it's more complex, as for example loading a full model of a Boeing 747 (every nut, rivet, bolt, seat and button on the "TV remote") into Autocad takes much more memory than the model of two bolts with corresponding nuts through two plates of some metal in the same Autocad system - same thing with loading the latest novel by Ken Follet into the word processor is clearly different from loading your letter to the water company to complain about the water leak in your street. But a rough estimate, using a typical use-case (e.g. a model of something small, but still sophisticated enough to be meaningful).

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Mats Petersson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Mats Petersson