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what is AC means in leetcode, is it algorithm technique like DP?

I found from various online coding forums, there is a technique called "AC", which looks like "Dynamic Programming" or "Back tracking", but not sure what it is how to use.

Any one has suggestions?

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Cast Away Avatar asked May 13 '16 14:05

Cast Away

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2 Answers

AC stands for 'Accepted' solution.

like image 83
avp Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10


AC stands for "Accepted Code" and is commonly phrased as 'Here is my AC Solution' aka 'Here is my Accepted Code Solution.'

Other acronyms used on leetcode include:

  • "compile error" (CE)
  • "memory limit exceeded" (MLE)
  • "runtime error" (RTE)
  • "time limit exceeded" (TLE)
  • "wrong answer" (that's WA)
like image 44
Coder Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10
