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What is a use case for AnnotationRetention.BINARY?



According to the Kotlin language spec, there are three types of annotation retention:

  • Source retention (accessible by source-processing tools);
  • Binary retention (retained in compilation artifacts);
  • Runtime retention (accessible at runtime).

Looking at the KDoc for kotlin-stdlib on the JVM we get the following:

public enum class AnnotationRetention {
    /** Annotation isn't stored in binary output */
    /** Annotation is stored in binary output, but invisible for reflection */
    /** Annotation is stored in binary output and visible for reflection (default retention) */

I can understand the use cases for SOURCE (available for inspection by annotation processors) and RUNTIME (available for inspection using reflection) but I cannot understand a use case for BINARY.

Can someone please explain a use case for this type of retention? Why would I choose BINARY over SOURCE if I don't need RUNTIME?

like image 932
David Rawson Avatar asked Jun 17 '21 22:06

David Rawson

People also ask

What is @retention in Java?

In Java, annotations are used to attach meta-data to a program element such as a class, method, instances, etc. Some annotations are used to annotate other annotations. These types of annotations are known as meta-annotations. @Retention is also a meta-annotation that comes with some retention policies.

What is @retention Retentionpolicy runtime?

Annotation with retention policy SOURCE will be retained only with source code, and discarded during compile time. Annotation with retention policy CLASS will be retained till compiling the code, and discarded during runtime. Annotation with retention policy RUNTIME will be available to the JVM through runtime.

What are @retention annotations and how are they used?

Some annotations are used to annotate other annotations. These types of annotations are known as meta-annotations. @Retention is also a meta-annotation that comes with some retention policies. These retention policies determine at which point an annotation is discarded. There are three types of retention policies: SOURCE, CLASS, and RUNTIME.

What is the use of annotations in Java?

In Java, annotations are used to attach meta-data to a program element such as a class, method, instances, etc. Some annotations are used to annotate other annotations. These types of annotations are known as meta-annotations.

What is the padding of a binary (2)?

Notice that each binary (2) is padded with a 0x00. And because we think of binary (2) as a string like char (2), that padding happens on the right of each part.

What is the default retention policy for annotations in Java?

CLASS is the default retention policy in Java. RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME: The annotations annotated using the RUNTIME retention policy are retained during runtime and can be accessed in our program during runtime. Here we will be creating three custom annotations with retention policies such as SOURCE, CLASS, and RUNTIME.

1 Answers

As per the comment by Alexey Romanov, there is a use case for annotations outside annotation processing and runtime reflection which is shown in the answers for Java Annotations - looking for an example of RetentionPolicy.CLASS

For instance, Proguard takes .jar files and performs obfuscation and shrinking on them as per the diagram from the Proguard website below:

Proguard pipeline including input jars, shrinking, then output jars

The @Keep annotation tells Proguard not to remove a target during shrinking. This kind of annotation must be present in the binary since Proguard operates on .jar files. Since @Keep is not intended to be inspected at runtime using reflection, it would be a suitable use case for AnnotationRetention.BINARY.

like image 172
David Rawson Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 08:12

David Rawson