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What is a UIScrollView's "content view"?

I'm trying to understand UIScrollView's contentInset and contentOffset properties. Apple's docs frequently refer to the "content view" when talking about properties of UIScrollView.

Say I have a UITableViewController subclass which a few basic cells in a grouped style. What would be the "content view" in this case?

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SundayMonday Avatar asked Dec 31 '11 17:12


1 Answers

A UIScrollView allows you to scroll content that is stored in a number of other views (which would normally be subviews of the UIScrollView).

The "Content View" is used to refer to the whole of that content, so for example the ContentSize property of the scrollview is the total size of all of the content across which it can scroll. This could be one large view or a range of subviews if you were using the paging property of a UIScrollView.


like image 107
AustinRathe Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
